Right, I've just spent the best part of two hours flopping ineffectually about on my parents deck chair. Sometimes reading, mostly just bemoaning my existence. I cannot figure out why it is that I find writing things like dissertations so difficult. Part of me is just too scared to start as I have a horrible feeling that I'll start writing and then realize that all my ideas and arguments and 'insights' amount to a few thousand words and I'll be left with a choice of padding it out to the tune of 10,000 words or running away to a nunnery (as my Dad helpfully suggested today, as I lay groaning on the deck chair).
Running away is always a seductive idea, especially when one has spent four years studying anthopology, with an emphasis on French thinkers. After all, if its the case that there is no true reality, and that all our systems, institutions, codes, morals, ethics and such like are cultural constructions of power and authority, then me running away is not actually running away its claiming my freedom from repressive systems of education whose demands for concrete proof of my learning is no more than an attempt to mould me into an acceptable subject. Yes?
Oh if only...Thats the problem with too much theory. It reads superbly, and is great to talk and think about but not for living in. I'm a good little subject at heart, following along the correct path and all that.
Ok I think thats about enough whingeing for today.
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7 commentaires:
I do quite love how this is all in french. J'adore que ce tout en francais (oh dear!).
I bet your problem will in fact be condensing your thoughts to the word limit! If I can find more than 5000 words to blab about effeminite Filipino preteens... you can write at length about your soldier boys.
Hello you lazy landlubber, and congratulations on joining the evils of the blogosphere. I'm loving your accidental Francophilia!
Don't worry, you can always run away and join the circus, and give a lengthy anthropological defence of it. (This will probably also serve to utterly confuse everyone else, so they won't attempt to bother you anymore by engaging you in irritating conversation.)
An anthropological perspective of the circus sounds like a brilliant idea! But that means that you should probably start looking around to acquire a circus-worthy skill, or be stuck doing dogsbody work, Lyca. But then again, you could always just pull your lycanthropic stunt.
Please don't bite me when I say that whenever I type 'Lyca', my mind thinks 'lycra'. >.>
If you don't want to pull your lycanthropic stunts you could always become a geek instead. X-Files taught me that that just involves eating anything and everything. Actually that seems like something I could do...go find your own show woman!
Nanny, you are getting a bite, and will be joining my ranks. Now all I can see is a werewolf in a pair of snazzy running shorts...
Nyahahaha, first you have to get to my side of the globe in order to bite me! :p And the full moon was something like a couple of days ago. Hah!
(Aren't vampires cooler? They can operate year/month-round.)
Vampires are clearly cooler! (Sorry Lyca, I still love you.)
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